Ever since I can remember, I’ve been interested in space travel. Whether it’s the fictional kind (e.g. Star Trek, Star Wars, etc.) or the real thing, the potential of man traveling beyond this planet has fascinated me. I was so inspired by the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs that I read and collected everything I could related to manned and unmanned spaceflight.
Still do. Hence, this series of posts within the category “Space Exploration” will focus on space travel and man’s destiny in space. I hope you’ll find these posts both interesting and inspiring. And I hope you’ll provide me with your comments and suggestions. For I believe that man is truly at his best when he is reaching for the stars!
As always, your feedback is appreciated!
Space travels is one of those subjects that I never thought could bring anything interesting to my life. However, I’ve been amazed for the gifts of being open minded about that. I hope that you will share some of the analysis that have convinced an Aries such as me, more inclined to speculate on the supernatural omens of the stars.
Like that Star Trek episode with the memorable line “If there is going to be a better world…”. That insight keeps me hopeful about the struggles and disappointments in the current political transformation of Venezuela.
Thanks baby! The line you mentioned “If there is to be a brave, new world it will be our generation that has the hardest time living in it” sums up for me the allure of space travel. I look at spaceflight as a voyage of discovery representing man’s continuing quest to create that brave new world. While it won’t be easy nor will it be without its issues, I’m confident the results of pursuing this “final frontier” will bring to humanity more benefit than can today be envisioned!