Lately, for a variety of reasons, I find myself searching for inspiration. I’m normally a very self motivated person but I’ve had a hard time these past weeks finding that incentive I need to keep moving forward. By now, it should be no surprise that I turn to music when I’m in need of comfort, answers to life’s questions, or, in …
Earlier this week, Maru and I saw the band Chicago in concert. Listening to their many hits during a very good 2 1/2 hour show brought back memories of a group that has been one of my favorites since the 1970s. A good topic for my third post in the “A Tribute to an Enduring Past” series! Chicago …
This third post in my songs of the ’70s series describes what it was like to grow up on the farm during what I consider to be the toughest time of year, winter, as well as the song I most associate with that memory; Wildfire. Wildfire is a classic song originally written by Michael Martin Murphey and …
Today is one of those cloudy, cold spring days that tend to cause me to reflect on my past, present, and future. And it’s on days like today that the music of the Carpenters always comes to mind. A good topic for my second post in the “A Tribute to an Enduring Past” series! The Carpenters were …
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