Lately, for a variety of reasons, I find myself searching for inspiration. I’m normally a very self motivated person but I’ve had a hard time these past weeks finding that incentive I need to keep moving forward. By now, it should be no surprise that I turn to music when I’m in need of comfort, answers to life’s questions, or, in …
Earlier this week, Maru and I saw the band Chicago in concert. Listening to their many hits during a very good 2 1/2 hour show brought back memories of a group that has been one of my favorites since the 1970s. A good topic for my third post in the “A Tribute to an Enduring Past” series! Chicago …
I have a variety of blogs in various states of completion. Blogs about the past and future of the US, tributes to various singers / songwriters or groups, memories of music and life in the ’70s, etc. This blog is different. It represents one of those times when a realization flashes through your mind based on an unexplained mood, a simple question …
This third post in my songs of the ’70s series describes what it was like to grow up on the farm during what I consider to be the toughest time of year, winter, as well as the song I most associate with that memory; Wildfire. Wildfire is a classic song originally written by Michael Martin Murphey and …
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